Chronic Fatigue, Lupus, MS, Autoimmunity, Fibromyalgia: What's the Missing Link?

With the enormous rise of chronic disease cases in America, doctors have begun to look beyond the symptoms in an effort to identify the cause. In this day and age, chronic disease has led to the development of a multitude of medical specialties. And with those specialties, offerings by the pharmaceutical industry have kept pace with prescriptions, including anti-psychotic drugs, painkillers, steroids and sleep aids. Because we have not yet successfully identified causatives, most of the medications fail to adequately address the deep-rooted health problems that patients are facing.

Instead, what we see too often are treatment plans that are designed to manage symptoms. It is imperative to openly discuss new information, significant details and facts that can illuminate the deeper causes of such conditions. Ultimately, the goal is to help patients achieve long-term relief through pinpoint diagnoses and proper treatment plans.

A Closer Look at Lyme Disease Complex — No Two Cases are the Same

When patients experience the symptoms for chronic disease and seek medical attention, they rarely have the same types of symptoms. Fibromyalgia can have a wide array of symptoms and presentations that overlap with other chronic disease diagnoses. It is highly uncommon to see two different fibromyalgia patients with identical symptoms.

This is also true for many of the autoimmune diseases, including chronic fatigue syndrome. The reason for such variation has to do with the sheer number of possible multitudes of possible infections, coupled with differing levels of toxic exposure for each individual patient.

Consider the complex of infections known as Lyme disease. By virtue of its vast symptomology, it has come to be known as "the great imitator." The condition can mimic numerous chronic diseases due to the fact that it can simultaneously affect multiple body systems. Because the symptoms are so varied, a complete and proper diagnosis requires highly experienced and specialized doctors. Most conventional physicians are either ill-equipped, ill-informed, or both. As a result, it is plausible that they can botch or entirely miss the diagnosis altogether. In fact, most patients maintain several intracellular and intra-nervous system infections that include neurotoxins, chemical toxins, heavy metals, and other complications. This is what is defined as "Chronic Lyme Disease Complex".

Here short list of common symptoms shared with various chronic diseases and chronic Lyme disease complex.

  • Memory recall problems, nerve pain, seizures, headaches, painful regions along neck, upper back and lower back.
  • Joint pain along with various digestive problems.
  • Frequent fever, chills, immune-compromised states.
  • Various body aches, hormonal problems and fatigue.

What Complicates These Infections?

Toxins and heavy metals, along with the various infections and coinfections, hide and protect themselves in biofilm communities. Biofilm is best described as a protected living network that allows the infection to be protected from antibiotics and most other treatments. Through dark field microscopic testing, it becomes clear to see the spirochete infection of Borrelia (the Lyme disease infection) as well as biofilm communities. The majority of patients don't just have a Borrelia infection since it commonly involves other infections, as well as chemical toxins and heavy metals which further complicate the treatment of the disease. Biofilm communities need to be stripped and treated along with infections and other toxins. In our experience, when this done thoroughly, patients will notice a tremendous increase in health and vitality.

Getting the Proper Diagnosis and Treatment

Limitations of the testing procedure allow patients a high probability of receiving a false-negative test for the Borrelia infection. And since the majority of tests measure antibodies to Borrelia burgdorferi – not the organism itself — patients will sometimes test positive even if the organisms are no longer present in the body. The difficulty in diagnosing Lyme disease is made even more challenging when one considers the possible coinfections that are present. Additionally, after the various other chemical and heavy metal toxins often present in the body are accounted for, it could be responsible for hundreds of potential symptoms and complications for the patient.

It is extremely important to be observed by a Lyme Literate Medical Doctor (LLMD) to ensure the correct combinations of tests are run that match the symptoms and history of the patient. It is critical to rule out all other infections including: viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic as they many times coexist within the same patients.

Comprehensive treatment plans are put into place in order to remove harmful toxics and eliminate the infections. To learn more about our approach to chronic disease and how we can help you with proper diagnosis and treatment, please contact us today.